Dr. L. Scott Smith

Dr. L. Scott SmithDr. L. Scott Smith
The Rev. Dr. L. Scott Smith has had a very distinguished academic career, with a B.A. from UT Austin, M.Div. from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary; Ph.D. from Columbia University in New York and J.D. from Texas Tech University; and yet he says, "Of all my graduations, I think the one from high school was the most memorable." Dr. Smith's academic excellence is well-evidenced in his resume and body of work, but his soul and true brilliance might best be demonstrated by hissummation of his achievements. He shares, "My greatest accomplishment is being married (going on 46 years!) to a wonderful woman, Lynn Barnard Smith, of Corpus Christi! Without her love and understanding, my life would certainly have been for naught." 

It's safe to assume that Mrs. Smith is as devoted and appreciative of her husband as he is of her. Not only is Dr. Smith a loving husband with two doctorates, he has had an impressive professional career. According to Dr. Shirley J. Hervey, who nominated him for this award, he is “a virtual Renaissance man. He is trained as a clergyman, a hospital chaplain, a trial attorney, a mediator, and a professor.”

Dr. Smith has been published by seven law reviews and has had articles featured in Texas Bar Journal, as well as other articles selected for publication in academic and professional journals in the fields of philosophy of religion and psychology. His book, America Unraveling: A Politically Incorrect Analysis of Public Faith and Culture,was published in 2008 by Father's Press. Dr. Smith's own self-deprecating review of this work is as follows: "Suffice it to say that no one feels marginally about it." His legal writing carries sufficient weight and importance to be cited in a number of court cases.

Dr. Smith practiced law for 20 years in Corpus Christi, Texas, with appearances before the Texas Supreme Court and the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. He was the first attorney in South Texas certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in the fields of consumer and commercial law. As an adjunct professor at Texas A & M Corpus Christi, Dr. Smith taught several courses on constitutional law, morality, philosophy of law.

He has served several congregations as an ordained clergyman, and also worked as a resident trauma and emergency room chaplain. He has lectured at his church and taught a variety of six-week courses on Christian theology and philosophy. Again to quote Dr. Hervey, "Needless to say, he has admirably filled the pulpit and captured listeners with his erudition, wit and personal magnetism." Most recently, he has agreed to instruct philosophy at Del Mar College, in Corpus Christi.

Dr. Hervey’s nomination concludes that Dr. Smith has achieved the extraordinary and excellent. His “work embodies notable accomplishments and contributions in both law and religion, two areas of endeavor thought to be at odds with each other. His encompassing intellect does not dichotomize in the usual 'either-or' fashion, but synthesizes in a broadly inspiring 'both-and' harmony. He is truly a distinguished individual, who is deserving of the honor for which he is hereby nominated." We heartily agree!

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