House Bill 5, passed by the Texas Legislature this spring, made substantial changes to the state's graduation requirements, moving from the current "4x4" graduation plans to a 22-credit Foundation High School Program (FHSP) that allows students to earn endorsements in specific areas of study by completing four additional credits and performance acknowledgements. Students entering high school in the fall of 2014-15 must meet the requirements of the foundation high school program to receive a high school diploma. The default plan for all students on the Foundation High School Program is the Distinguished Level of Achievement. Students are allowed, with parent consent, to change to a different plan after the completion of their sophomore year. 
The endorsement areas are:
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Business and Industry
Public Services
Arts and Humanities
Multidisciplinary Studies
BISD offers courses to meet endorsements in all areas. There are specific course requirements in the foundation curriculum based on the Endorsement selected. The High School Educational Planning Guide provides an overview of the core course requirements for the Foundation Graduation Plan. Course sequences for possible endorsement areas are also available in the guide.
A student may elect to graduate without an endorsement under the high school foundation plan after the student's sophomore year if the student and the student's parent/guardian are advised by the school counselor of the benefits of graduating with one or more endorsement; and the student's parent or guardian files written permission with the high school allowing the student to graduate without an endorsement.
Visit the Texas Education Agency website for additional information on House Bill 5 and the Foundation High School Program at