Cheer Clinic

This is the image for the news article titled Brazosport High School Cheerleaders will be hosting their Cheer Clinic on Saturday, September 14. The clinic will be held in Flash Walker Gym from 8am-1pm. The clinic includes instruction by the current Brazosport Cheerleaders,  lunch, and a t-shirt. A performance for parents will be held at the end of the clinic.

Cost is $40 per child, $35 for each additional child from the same household. ($50 at the door)
Poms & Bows are available for an additional $6 each.

Game day performance for students in grades 6-9 will be September 20.
Game day performance for students in Pre-K-5 will be September 26.

Contact Coach Campbell for more information at 979-730-7260 ext 28219 or [email protected]
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