BPA Students Qualify for Nationals

BPA Students Qualify for Nationals
Posted on 03/04/2024
This is the image for the news article titled BPA Students Qualify for NationalsThis past week 11 students from Brazosport High School and 1 from Brazoswood High School traveled to Corpus Christi, TX for the 2024 Texas Business Professionals of America State Leadership Conference. They all did an amazing job of representing Brazosport ISD.

Junior, Angel Pina served as the 2023-2024 Associate-Vice President. He also ran for reelection and won for the 2024-2025 year. Junior, Sydney Mendoza represented Region 5-4 as one of the outgoing Regional Presidents. She ran for state office as well and was elected to the role of State Reporter for the 2024-2025 year.

Here is how the other students placed in their events.

Associate Division Awards:
Ayla Calvillo - 3rd, Fundamental Accounting (National qualifier!)
Deja El-Amin - 3rd, Payroll Accounting (National qualifier!)
Ashley Blanco - 3rd, Health Research Presentation  (National qualifier!)
Angel Pina - 1st, Presentation Individual (National qualifier!)
Small Business Management Team (Deja, Ayla, & Angel) - 1st place (National qualifier!)

Additionally, Sydney Mendoza and Angel Pina earned their Statesman Torch Awards.

Nationals will be held in Chicago, IL, May 10-14, 2024.
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